
I wrote fiction before I ever wrote (or even knew) about the Tarot. My six novels (and some thirty short stories) have included science fiction, magic realism, fairy tales, and mysteries. The common thread between them is the desire to explore the imagination and how it creates reality.

Rachel's Anno Mirabilis--four new books in less than a year!

Between October of 2011 and July of 2012, Rachel will have four new books published!

Already published! SOUL FOREST--Tarot Media Company- This book collects two years of Rachel's writings, including Wisdom Readings, Tarot poetry and ways to inspire stories, interviews and more! This is the first time these writings have been published in one volume.

TAROT FOR MAGICAL TIMES--U. S. Games.  Just in time for 2012, this book, written with German Tarot expert Johannes Fiebig, looks at the Tarot as a prophecy of cataclysmic change and the mysteries of rebirth. See the Rider-Waite-Smith deck in a whole new way!

TYRANT OIDIPOUS--Eye Corner Press . This is a work very close to Rachel's heart, a translation of the ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, or to use its Greek name, Oidipous Tyrannos. Written with language scholar and Tarotist David Vine, this powerful translation returns the play to its raw power, as a murder mystery and a confrontation with a man's inescapable fate revealed in the oracles.

Coming in July, 2012, THE NEW TAROT HANDBOOK--Llewellyn Worldwide -Inspired by the classic 1960s books by Eden Gray (godmother of modern Tarot), this book look at the essence of the cards. For both beginners and advanced readers, the book is filled with Rachel calls "new discoveries" about the deck, as well as exciting spreads.  


Stories, Tales & Book Excerpts

Short stories, occasional book excerpts, and occasional passages from works in progress. I call them Tales because I want to feature my fiction, but they may include other kinds of writing as well, including poetry, and my column Walking With Wonder.


A complete list of my published work, from fiction to nonfiction, from short stories to comic books.